Thursday, August 6, 2009

Unique Content - SEO Tips

One of the most important SEO Tips I can give you is to create unique content for your niche website. You don't have to be the most creative writer, just make sure your content is informative and easy to follow and of course makes sense.

The demand for unique content has grown considerably, with millions of sites on the internet, search engines actually go out and look for unique content. As the search engine spiders crawl the internet, they are continually looking for duplicate content, if duplicates are found you can assure yourself that you will be penalized and your rankings will drop no matter how hard you promote your site.

There are some alternatives however, if you feel you cannot create content for your websites on your own, you can go out and hire ghostwriters that will write articles for you. There is also software out there that allows you to create articles and then submit them to hundreds and sometimes thousands of websites. The software will absolutely save you hours and hours of time.
However you decide to create your content make sure you use your main keywords throughout the body of the content, but don't over due it, try and keep the percentage around 2% keyword density. So if you had a 600 word article you would want to use your main keyword about 12 times. Another one of my SEO tips is to create links throughout the content using keywords as the anchor text. For those of you who do not know what anchor text is, it is when you have a link, and instead of showing the full URL, you can hide the link behind a string of text.

While we are talking about links, make sure you use text links vs. image links. The reason for this is your images usually don't have relative names that would be useful to a search engine. So if you still have a need for an image link, make sure you use an alt tag and name your image using a keyword like "skatboardwheels.jpg" instead of "picture01.jpg".

Lastly on the subject of content, try and keep your content fresh and updated on a regular basis, the search engines like unique content as well as your users, it is always nice to come back to a page that has been updated.

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