Thursday, August 6, 2009

Keywords Tools

Today's website managers virtually have no choice; Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has to be at the forefront of their daily agenda. Hundreds of thousands of Internet users "explode" upon the Internet every single day in search of something "they just can't live without!" Contrast that with, say, twenty years ago when it was relatively easy. One could find out in a very short period of time if - "your item of choice" either was or was not available on the Internet.

Today, however, your search often uncovers hundreds or even thousands of option choices. Regardless of whether you are a business man seeking the latest software solution, a university exploring research opportunities or a worried mother seeking a solution to Billy's a reading problem - the user, many times is overwhelmed by the shear magnitude of the number of option choices available.

Clearly, you the Internet Marketer, want to capitalize on the way search engines work in order to put those "tools" to work for you and achieve the maximum Search Engine Optimization leading to recognition by search Engine Submission sites and the corresponding top site Rankings.

Keep in mind when trying to improve rankings through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that Google, Yahoo and MSN represent approximately 65%, 20% and 10% respectively, of all search engine searches. If you concentrate your efforts towards Google, the others will follow as a necessary course of action. They, as well as all other service providers, employ "organic" (unsolicited, as opposed to paid advertiser) searches and utilize "keywords" in their search for content links. They do this by way "crawlers or spiders" that "prowl" their way through the pages of website content in effort to find "keyword" links between pages of web content.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was specifically created to fulfill the need to provide a way to assist businesses in their quest for online traffic. The search engines do this from keywords in the content, relevant to the subject matter and in particular the title and story line. In other words, the relevant content in the article has to be used in a manner consistent with what the users are specifically looking for. The repetition of these keywords, as well as, there placement at the first of the article and how closely the article content covers what the users are searching for, further enhances the site rankings.

In order capitalize and on the benefits of top keywords, one needs to put in some dedicated time into research. A good start is to list and select as many as 40-60 keywords and key phases. When selecting keywords your thought pattern needs to extend through the whole "gamut" of related topics which your web searchers might employ. Even greater emphasis should be given to keyword phrases which yield the optimum results.

Further, allowing your Keyword thinking to extend towards your target market and key products will no improve your keyword selection. By employing your target market and key products in your search selection process you will, no doubt, improve your ability to effectively select the keywords which would be used by verified buyer prospects, as opposed to, "window shoppers". This is, after all, the intent of all your efforts, and it will have a huge impact on web site sales.

Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be achieved by getting other web sites to link to your site.

Perhaps the best way to achieve this desired result is to simply launch your own keyword search using keywords from your own web site. Then, examine the sites uncovered by your search, in an effort to find what other web sites are linked to their (your target) web site.

Next, contact (via email) the "parent" site as well as the other web sites linked to them. In so doing, you are trying to convince those other websites to link to your web page(s). Their link need not be "just" to your home page (of course, that would be great), but accept any link you are able to acquire. It is also important to keep in mind that the higher the web sites ranking the more "weight" it carries with Google and all other search engines. Additionally, you should, in all but the most extreme cases, avoid reciprocal linkages. Both Google and Yahoo disallow such links as being pseudo links, rather than links acquired on the basis of web content and merit.

As a final consideration to for achieving maximum SEO and boosting your site rankings Article Marketing is an absolute must. In order to accomplish this you need to have little more than a command of basic writing skills and the will to transform someone else's thoughts and ideas into your own words; incorporating your own unique style and originality. This is most easily accomplished by copying the original content from an article of your chosen topic. Then, taking one paragraph at a time, read the paragraph first and without looking back at the paragraph and re-write the basic "gist" of the paragraph in your own words. Proceed paragraph by paragraph until your own unique content is complete. Always give credit to your self for your own "unigue" thoughts and ideas, and be encouraged to impart such content wherever possible.

If you lack the confidence to accomplish this task, but are motivated by the desire to succeed, practice developing your skills by re-writing paragraph on interest from your local newspaper or favorite magazine. If your "will" is strong - you will succeed.

Following the guidelines set forth in the preceeding article with "due diligence" will provide you the necessary "Tools For Search Engine Optimization" to propel yourself to the forefront of today's successful Internet Marketing entrepreneurs.

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